About us
Who we are
We are a staff-led, board-governed organisation with a volunteer core driven by passionate Christians.

To inspire and equip the
Church to love and care for God’s creation

The Church living out God’s heart for Creation
Born out of Love, Rooted in Scripture
Engaging Faithfully, Embracing Community

Our History

Our History

About us
Meet the Team
Our Board
Our Advisory Council
Our Core Team
Our Volunteers
Dairy Farm Reflective Guided Walk
Isabel Loh (Coordinator)
Bianca Tham
Gregory Loh
Jonathan Lee
Kezia Khoo
Zephy Wong
Fort Canning Reflective Guided Walk
Esther Ho (Coordinator)
Aaron Chooi
Angeline Woo
Bianca Tham
Ding Lean Sing
Helen Goh
Jonathan Lee
Lim Meng Sin
Lim Soh Peng
Toh Lay Tin
Vivien Goh
Website Design
Bethany Low (Lead)
Manfred Ong
Tan Yi Jia
Resource Writers
Richard Hartung
Toh Wen Shien
Tan Xinwei
Social Media Design
Jodie Teo
Jasmine Cahyadi
Net Zero Church
Lydia Tang
Creation Care Research
Ong Ching Hui
Grace Cheong
Rachel Eng
Community of Practice
Veronica Yuen
Lydia Tang
Creation Care Conference 2025
Rebecca Wong (Lead)
Tan Jing Xuan
Joanna Chia
Roanna Pang
Tristan Gwee
Kimberly Su (Lead)
Glenda Chew
Joseph Voo
Lee Ming Yang
Louisa Ho (Lead)
Clarissa Tan
Gwenyth Ee
Peng Shengyue
Our Partners

About us
Statement of Faith
On the faith
We affirm the faith as set forth in the historic creeds of the church, namely, the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed.
We believe in:
On the faith
- The Bible as the inspired, the only infallible, supreme Word of God
- The one true God, eternally existent in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- The love, grace and sovereignty of God in creating, sustaining, ruling, redeeming and judging the world.
- The biblical mandate to mankind to care, preserve, enhance, and faithfully steward God’s creation.
- The atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross: dying in our place, paying the price of sin and defeating evil, so saving us from eternal death and reconciling all things with God.
- The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, His ascension to be seated at the right hand of the Father, and his reign and mediation as the only Saviour of the world.
- The salvation of sinners solely by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ and regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
- The ministry of the Holy Spirit, who leads us to repentance, unites us with Christ through new birth, empowers our discipleship and enables our witness.
- The Church, the body of Christ both local and universal, the priesthood of all believers – given life by the Spirit and endowed with the Spirit’s gifts.
- The personal and visible return of Jesus Christ to fulfill the purposes of God, who will raise all people to judgement, bring eternal life to the redeemed and eternal condemnation to the lost, and establish a new heaven and new earth.
On creation care
We subscribe to the Cape Town Commitment (Lausanne Movement, 2011).
We believe in:
On creation care
We subscribe to the Cape Town Commitment (Lausanne Movement, 2011).
We believe in:
- Creation care as the stewardship of God’s creation, a biblical command and an integral part of Christian discipleship.
- The love and care of all creation not as mere sentimental affection, pantheistic worship or a result of looming environmental threats – but a logical outworking of our love for God to whom it belongs.
- The duty and power of the Church to disciple its members to love and responsibly steward all of creation.
- The broken relationship between mankind and the rest of creation as a result of our sin.
- The need for repentance of our failure to be good stewards and our role in the continued destruction, waste and pollution of the world that God has entrusted to us.
- The environmental crisis as a direct and pressing threat to the lives and wellbeing of God’s creation, including humans.
- The need for the Church to act urgently and boldly to respond to the environmental crisis in order to alleviate suffering, halt destruction and loss of life, and bring healing to the land.
- The hope that we have in the renewal and perfection of all creation upon the return of Jesus Christ.
About us
What is Creation Care?

Creation Care shifts our perspective away from an anthropocentric worldview, to a deocentric (God-centred) one – in otherwords, we cease seeing humanity as the center of things, and rightly place God there instead. This requires us to humble ourselves and recognize our rightful place amongst God’s Creation, instead of placing ourselves on the throne.
The earth has intrinsic value – it is valued by God, because He made it an owns it. When God created Adam, He put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. The same verbs – “work” and “take care of” – are used in Numbers to describe sacred service. This suggests that the garden is portrayed as sacred, and the tasks given to Adam are of priestly nature – he is thus caring for sacred space.
In other words, it was part of God’s plan for humans to look after the earth as a sacred duty.
We define Creation Care as the stewardship of God’s creation, a biblical command and an integral part of Christian discipleship. The love and care of all creation is not mere sentimental affection, pantheistic worship or a result of looming environmental threats – but a logical outworking of our love for God to whom it belongs.

Why is Creation Care important to Christians?
Imagine that you’ve made something you’re very pleased with. You put a lot of care in perfecting all the details, and you love it very much. So you decide to entrust the care of this to someone you are in a loving relationship with and ask them to take care of it. Yet, they’ve chosen to neglect it, or worse, to destroy it as you watch! How would you feel then?
Similarly, God has entrusted us with the duty to care for and steward His creation as He does. Above all else, we are called to love God with everything we are. When we care for creation, it reflects our love for God through our obedience. Creation care matters because it matters to God.
Caring for creation is the outward expression of the restoration God hopes for His entire creation – the reconciliation between humanity and earth. By putting right the relationships that we have with the rest of creation, we are taking part in Christ’s redemptive work here on Earth.
Environmental crises are just a reflection of the broken relationship between us and the natural world, which is a stark contrast to what God intended it to be before The Fall. Essentially, the destruction and suffering we see today reflect a deeper underlying issue at its root – sin.
Above all else, we are called to love God with everything we are, and to love others as ourselves. When we care for creation, it reflects our love for God and His creation: the humans, the plants, and the animals that inhabit our planet.

So… What can I do now?
Mainly, there are three things: appreciate, educate, and act.
In order for us to internalise our duty to care for creation, we need to first get in touch with it. You don’t have to take long walks in the reserves to do that, but just look up – look at the beautiful sky, the plants around you, or the birds that you hear along your daily commute. Have you ever wondered what they are? Well, go find out!
Once you have, you can start educating people around you about them and get them interested! Share with them about the amazing Creator that intricately designed the world we live in, and why they too should also care for creation.
Lastly, you can start to lead a simpler lifestyle. Start small, and do more once it’s become a habit. It can be uncomfortable at the start, but when we learn to better steward what God has given us, and to not live lives of greed and excess, our spiritual lives will also be enriched.