We are now Our Father's World.


Creation Care SG has rebranded to Our Father’s World

31 August 2024: From today, Creation Care SG is now known as Our Father’s World. Our mission continues as we strive to inspire and equip the Church to love and care for God’s creation, but now with a widened vision for the region beyond Singapore.

It’s been quite a journey since we started this: Six people, in the middle of a global pandemic, united by our love for our Creator. Today, by God’s grace, we are the most active creation care organisation in Singapore, having: 

  • Engaged more than 50 churches and Christian organisations on creation care
  • Organised the first large-scale creation care conference for Singapore in 2022, with more than 130 participants
  • Led more than 80 groups on reflective walks in local nature parks
  • Conducted the first national creation care survey that was presented at an international conference on World Christianity
  • Achieved a monthly reach of 2,000 people on social media to date

Our new name reflects our driving purpose: Our love for our Creator and His creation. We want to point to the basis for our care. Why is creation care important? Why do we do all that we do?

Our new name, without any geographical reference, also alludes to our desire for expanded impact. Our neighbours in the region are often disproportionately affected by the ecological crisis. Moving forward, we want to adopt a regional lens and missional posture in our ministry.

As we enter our fifth year, we humbly ask for prayer that the Church in this vast archipelago will respond to God’s call to steward His earth. We have also appointed Dennis Tan as our first full-time staff. As the founding Executive Director, Dennis will build on his seven years of creation care ministry and leadership experience to lead Our Father’s World in this new season. He will continue to be fully supported by our current volunteer core and a newly-appointed Board of Directors and Advisory Council.

We humbly ask for your prayer and support for our future as we continue to work together for His kingdom. If you would like to support us or collaborate, please reach out at hello@ofw.sg.

In His love,

Our Father’s World

www.ourfathersworld.sg | www.fb.com/ourfathersworld.sg | www.instagram.com/our.fathers.world

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© Our Father’s World 2024