Get Equipped

Empowering Creation Care

Get Equipped

Empowering Creation Care

We offer training and consultancy services to help churches establish and grow a strong culture of creation care at whichever stage they’re at.

We will walk with you wherever you are.



Events, engagements and activities to learn more about creation care, how it is a necessary part of Christian discipleship.



Events, engagements, and activities for churches/ministries to learn more about creation care, how it is a necessary part of Christian discipleship.

Get Equipped

Exploring Creation Care

Get Equipped

Exploring Creation Care

Kickstart Your Church's Journey

Your church will be able to discover what creation care is and imagine what it would look like for your unique context. Our programme will help you to build awareness and generate momentum to mobilise your church to embark on your journey.

Whole-of-Church Engagement

Provide a biblical foundation on creation care for your church members and equip them with the tools to care for creation in their own ministries.

Self-Assessment Framework

Identify key areas for improvement in your church’s care through a holistic assessment framework touching on various aspects of church life.

Consultancy for Starting Up

Explore ways for your church to start, supported by OFW’s consultants and subject matter experts.

Get Equipped

Engaging in Creation Care

Get Equipped

Engaging in Creation Care

Deepen Your Church’s Journey

Your church will delve deeper into building a culture of creation care that is infused into the life of your church. We offer education for the whole church, leadership training and a programme to support different ministries to care for creation. We believe in empowering your church to lead with purpose on this journey of redemption.

Leadership Engagement

Creation care requires leadership buy-in for effective change. Align your church leaders on caring for creation through deeper engagement sessions.

Consultancy for Systemic Change

Review areas for growth and design strategy for sustainable implementation and integration with different ministries.

Training Leaders

Equip creation care leaders with the theology and skills to serve your church.

Your church’s consultancy journey

© Our Father’s World 2024